Online Registration (College Student)

 Central Luzon Doctors' Hospital Educational Institution, Inc. recognizes the right to privacy and aims to comply with the requirements of the Data Privacy Act of 2012 with respect to the data they collect or acquire from the Enrollee.

 The personal data obtained from this form is entered and stored within the College’s authorized Information and Communications System and will only be accessed by authorized school personnel. Central Luzon Doctors' Hospital Educational Institution, Inc. has instituted appropriate organizational, technical, and physical security measures to ensure the protection of the Enrollee's personal data.

 By answering this form, I give my consent to Central Luzon Doctors' Hospital Educational Institution, Inc that they may collect, use, disclose and process my personal data for the purposes of, but not limited to, application for admission or enrollment.

Please be advised that A.Y. 2021-2022 will be delivered using FLEXIBLE LEARNING METHOD.

Upload Colored Picture with White Background *

Student's Information
Contact Details

Parents / Guardian's Information

Old Student Requirements - (Photo Copy, PDF Only)

Transferee Student Requirements - (PDF only)

Incoming First Year Student Requirements - (PDF only)

I hereby certify that the above information given are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I allow CLDHEI to use my son/daughter details to create and/or upgrade student profile in the School Information System. The information herein shall be treated as confidential in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012